
Our Work

Potential App Idea for Hong Kong!

Potential App Idea for Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s electric vehicle (EV) scene is buzzing! With more and more people making the switch to eco-friendly transportation, the demand for convenient EV charging stations is skyrocketing. But let’s face it, finding an available charging point can sometimes feel like a treasure hunt. Wouldn’t it be amazing if […]


Transforming Hong Kong’s Workforce with AI Learning Apps

In the bustling streets of Hong Kong, where innovation meets tradition, a transformative opportunity awaits. Recent research by AWS has unveiled staggering insights: the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the workforce could lead to a remarkable 28% increase in salaries and a whopping 47% surge in productivity. Yet, despite this promise, a significant hurdle […]

Our Work

What app should we develop in Hong Kong?

Developing a mobile app for the Hong Kong market presents a unique opportunity given the city’s tech-savvy population and diverse needs. Here are a few ideas for apps that could thrive in Hong Kong: 1. Localized Personal Finance Management App Hong Kong is a major financial hub, and while there are already finance apps available, […]

Our Work

How Much Does It Cost To Build An App? Complete guide!

The cost of building an app depends on various factors, including the app’s complexity, functionality, design, platform, and development team’s location. Here’s a breakdown of the cost of building an app: 1. App Type: The cost of building an app varies depending on the type of app you want to build. A basic app with […]